Junction Community Centre logo

Junction Community Centre

  • 服务类别s

    अङ्ग्रेजी कक्षाहरू


    आपत्कालीन राहत

    खाद्य सहायता

    घरेलु तथा पारिवारिक हिंसा

    जीवनयापन कौशल

    बालबालिका र युवाहरू

    महिला सेवा


    सामुदायिक र सामाजिक

    सांस्कृतिक समूहहरू


  • बारेमा

    MISSION STATEMENT: The Junction Community Centre aims to create a welcoming, responsive, inclusive and supportive environment, working with the community to help it
    meet the needs of individuals, families and community groups in the local area. We offer a range of educational, recreational and social activities to the local community to decrease social isolation and improve community participation by maximising opportunities and minimising barriers to learning.