Junction Community Centre logo

Junction Community Centre

  • خدمات

    آموزش و پرورش

    اجتماع و اجتماعی

    امداد رسانی اضطراری

    خدمات بانوان

    خشونت خانگی و خانوادگی

    داوطلب شوید

    صنف های زبان انگلیسی

    کمک های غذایی

    کودکان و جوانان

    گروه های فرهنگی

    مهارت های زندگی


  • درباره

    MISSION STATEMENT: The Junction Community Centre aims to create a welcoming, responsive, inclusive and supportive environment, working with the community to help it
    meet the needs of individuals, families and community groups in the local area. We offer a range of educational, recreational and social activities to the local community to decrease social isolation and improve community participation by maximising opportunities and minimising barriers to learning.